2021 Creative Mountain Retreat Dates Announced!

Ginger Ropp and I are excited to announce our 5th and final Creative Mountain Retreat! This is our biggest, most fun event we co-host together each year and we've secured the dates and costs for 2021 and will be ready for your registration in January. You can read all the details now to be ready in January at our official Creative Mountain Retreat blog.

We had such a great time at our 2020 retreat (yes, during Covid and staying safe) we'd love to share it with you in this video below. Please enjoy and let me know if you have any questions about anything.


  1. Great video!!! Thanks for putting it together!

  2. It was so much fun! I smiled the whole time I was watching. You and Ginger are so talented! Thank you for all your beautiful projects and good humor! Burrrrrrr!

    1. Thanks Maureen. It's great to know you enjoyed it so much. We did too. It's truly a favorite event of ours. We really hope to see you again next year.

  3. Great Job! Can't wait til next year!!

    1. Thanks Peggy, we sure hope to see you again next year. Let’s go out with a bang!

  4. Great memories! Thanks for putting this video together. I had an amazing time.

    1. I’m so glad Renee. We loved having you, you creative girl!

  5. Great Host!! Looks like all were very happy with a well organized retreat.

  6. Thank you for the beautiful video Annette and Ginger! And thank you, again, for allowing me to attend. I saw your date for sign up next year! Wish it wasn't limited to 30 because we had so much fun and learned so many new techniques.


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