Raining Cats & Dogs Board Book/Mini Album Class is Coming!

Hello and Happy Monday, bloggers. I hope you had a lovely weekend. Mine was chill, for sure, which is nice for a change.

But now it's back to business! How about a fun mini album class? I've designed a 6 x 6 Board Book/Mini Album with Graphic 45's Raining Cats & Dogs collection. Here are the class details:

Sunday, May 17th  •  10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
$40 per guest
$47.50 per take-home kit (plus shipping)

{Melbourne, Florida}

Each album contains 6" x 6" and 8" x 8" Raining Cats & Dogs papers, Pockets & Tags, 12 x 12 Sticker Sheet, all embellishments and die-cuts. Please specify DOG or CAT when RSVPing.

Kits must be reserved no later than this Wednesday May 6th. Limited amount of kits available. Kits include photos and step-by-step instructions, plus pre-cut supplies and will ship on Monday, May 18th.

Deadline to sign up: Sunday, May 10th  2015
