
Woe is me. My beloved Mac has failed me. Friday morning, it decided to keep shutting itself down intermittently. So off to the Apple dealer I went with my baby, and there she sits on the diagnostic bench for at least five business days! Major inconvenience - an understatement. My husband's laptop is sufficient, but I'm not a huge fan of the PC, so it's not been fun. I have access to absolutely nothing: no photos, no files, no fun. And this also means no Mojo Monday for me this week.

It's interesting what one discovers when they are suddenly without their computer. The main thing I discovered is that I waste too much time on mine. I'm enjoying quiet moments around here and not filling them with web browsing. Now there are certainly times when the computer is an extraordinarily helpful tool, don't get me wrong. I'd never give it up. For example, I had a consultant team meeting yesterday and was preparing our meeting agenda by hand! (3 pages) Then I had to drive to the library and make photocopies. Unheard of!

Rather than diving back into work after the team meeting (and shuffling my daughter off to a sleepover) I enjoyed an early dinner out with my husband, gave my dog Suki a much-needed bath, hung out with the neighbors and their dogs for over an hour in the beautifully cool evening, made out the menu and grocery list for the week, then enjoyed my husband some more in the evening. (no need to elaborate)

I woke this morning and while I usually would go straight to the computer to check e-mail and then get distracted with attachments, store discounts, etc., I took Suki for a longer-than-usual morning walk, toss of the ball, and leisurely breakfast, all while hubby is off playing hockey. Daughter is still at the sleepover, so this meant a peaceful morning of absolute bliss while reading the Sunday paper and listening to the birds outside my front window. A leisurely shower, a stop for coffee, then to the grocery all before 9:00 a.m. Not a big crowd was shopping that early so it was quite delightful. And without my pre-teen alongside, I could softly sing and (God forbid) shake my hips as I shopped down the aisles.

I return home to unload groceries, play with Suki and greet hubby home from hockey. Now is when I would normally be glued to my computer and not even getting up when he comes home, and throwing a ball to the dog without getting up from my computer chair. The three of us sit on the back porch and just talk. . . well, two of us actually do the talking. I run a load of laundry and look at a magazine. Finally, I decide maybe I should check my e-mail. Luckily I did because I discover that the home gathering I was getting ready to leave for in an hour has been cancelled.

I guess the point of all this is while our computers are helpful and important tools, they are also fun and easy to spend too much time on; letting the simple pleasures of daily life slip past us. I've heard of those challenges where you should try to live through one day without any electronic devices and thought, "I'd never make it!" Haven't you? Well, I challenge you to try it for a day. It might turn out to be a pleasant surprise.

Or perhaps you don't spend as much time on your computer as I do, and this has been a lesson just for me.


  1. Oh, no, Annette, I'm right there with you! I waste far too much time on the computer. My husband challenged me at the beginning of the school year to leave my computer off on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I lasted one week! Pathetic, I know! I'm taking 2 online teaching classes and must check them daily. The problem is, I then check blogs and email and play games and generally waste my time. I'm hopeless!

  2. I invest a lot of time on the computer, also. I enjoy it though. Is that bad? I could be just watching tv . . .

    I borrowed your treat idea (the tic-tacs) and everyone I've gifted has just been BLOWN AWAY by them! I linked back to you from my web-page - to show the inspiration for my project. Thank you again for such a great idea!

  3. wow your littel adventure is a wake a call for me too....thanks for sharing...have a wonderful week!

    enjoy *~*


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